AWG-based large dynamic range fiber Bragg grating interrogation system
Shufeng Li, Pei Yuan, Ke Li, Ting Li, Lianqing Zhu
AWG-based large dynamic range fiber Bragg grating interrogation system
Arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) are extensively employed in fiber Bragg grating (FBG) interrogation systems due to their compact size, lightweight nature, and excellent interrogation performance. The resolution and total measurement range of AWG-based FBG interrogation systems are constrained by the output properties of AWG. We proposed an AWG-based large dynamic range interrogation system. The temperature dependence of AWG is exploited to achieve continuous interrogation. The test results show that the interrogation system has a dynamic range of 28.67 nm, an interrogation accuracy better than 25 pm, and a wavelength resolution of 6 pm.
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