Passive earth pressure of narrow backfill considering seismic-unsaturated seepage multi-field coupling effect

Ze-yue Wang, Hang Lin

Journal of Central South University ›› 2025

Journal of Central South University ›› 2025 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-025-5867-9

Passive earth pressure of narrow backfill considering seismic-unsaturated seepage multi-field coupling effect

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Narrow backfill earth pressure estimation is applied to study the stability of supporting structures in the vicinity of existing buildings. Previous narrow backfill earth pressure studies have neglected seismic-unsaturated seepage multi-field coupling, resulting in inaccurate estimates. To address these deficiencies, this paper proposed a calculation method for seismic passive earth pressure in unsaturated narrow backfill, based on inclined thin-layer units. It considers the interlayer shear stress, arching effect, and the multi-field coupling of seismic-unsaturated seepage. Additionally, this paper includes a parametric sensitivity analysis. The outcomes indicate that the earthquake passive ground pressure of unsaturated narrow backfill can be reduced by increasing the aspect ratio, seismic acceleration coefficient, and unsaturation parameter α. It can also be reduced by decreasing the effective interior friction angle, soil cohesion, wallearth friction angle, and vertical discharge. Furthermore, for any width soil, lowering the elevation of the action point of passive thrust can be attained by raising the effective interior friction angle, wall-earth friction angle, and unsaturation parameter α. Reducing soil cohesion, seismic acceleration coefficient, and vertical discharge can also lower the height of the application point of passive thrust.

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Ze-yue Wang, Hang Lin. Passive earth pressure of narrow backfill considering seismic-unsaturated seepage multi-field coupling effect. Journal of Central South University, 2025


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