Adaptive Bayesian inversion of pore water pressures based on artificial neural network: An earth dam case study

Lu An, Claudio Carvajal, Daniel Dias, Laurent Peyras, Orianne Jenck, Pierre Breul, Ting-ting Zhang

Journal of Central South University ›› 2025, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11) : 3930-3947.

Journal of Central South University ›› 2025, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11) : 3930-3947. DOI: 10.1007/s11771-024-5820-3

Adaptive Bayesian inversion of pore water pressures based on artificial neural network: An earth dam case study

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Most earth-dam failures are mainly due to seepage, and an accurate assessment of the permeability coefficient provides an indication to avoid a disaster. Parametric uncertainties are encountered in the seepage analysis, and may be reduced by an inverse procedure that calibrates the simulation results to observations on the real system being simulated. This work proposes an adaptive Bayesian inversion method solved using artificial neural network (ANN) based Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. The optimized surrogate model achieves a coefficient of determination at 0.98 by ANN with 247 samples, whereby the computational workload can be greatly reduced. It is also significant to balance the accuracy and efficiency of the ANN model by adaptively updating the sample database. The enrichment samples are obtained from the posterior distribution after iteration, which allows a more accurate and rapid manner to the target posterior. The method was then applied to the hydraulic analysis of an earth dam. After calibrating the global permeability coefficient of the earth dam with the pore water pressure at the downstream unsaturated location, it was validated by the pore water pressure monitoring values at the upstream saturated location. In addition, the uncertainty in the permeability coefficient was reduced, from 0.5 to 0.05. It is shown that the provision of adequate prior information is valuable for improving the efficiency of the Bayesian inversion.

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Lu An, Claudio Carvajal, Daniel Dias, Laurent Peyras, Orianne Jenck, Pierre Breul, Ting-ting Zhang. Adaptive Bayesian inversion of pore water pressures based on artificial neural network: An earth dam case study. Journal of Central South University, 2025, 31(11): 3930‒3947


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