Application and optimization design of non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator in viaduct structure-borne noise reduction

Duo-jia Shi, Cai-you Zhao, Xin-hao Zhang, Jun-yuan Zheng, Na-chao Wei, Ping Wang

Journal of Central South University ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7) : 2513-2531.

Journal of Central South University ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7) : 2513-2531. DOI: 10.1007/s11771-024-5704-6

Application and optimization design of non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator in viaduct structure-borne noise reduction

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The problems associated with vibrations of viaducts and low-frequency structural noise radiation caused by train excitation continue to increase in importance. A new floating-slab track vibration isolator-non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator is proposed herein, which uses the particle damping vibration absorption technology and bandgap vibration control theory. The vibration reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVI was analyzed from the perspective of vibration control. The paper explores the structure-borne noise reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVIs installed on different bridge structures under varying service conditions encountered in practical engineering applications. The load transferred to the bridge is obtained from a coupled train-FST-bridge analytical model considering the different structural parameters of bridges. The vibration responses are obtained using the finite element method, while the structural noise radiation is simulated using the frequency-domain boundary element method. Using the particle swarm optimization algorithm, the parameters of the NOPD-PCVI are optimized so that its frequency bandgap matches the dominant bridge structural noise frequency range. The noise reduction performance of the NOPD-PCVIs is compared to the steel-spring isolation under different service conditions.


non-obstructive particle damping / phononic crystal vibration isolator / band gap optimization / floating-slab track / bridge structure-borne noise control / particle swarm optimization

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Duo-jia Shi, Cai-you Zhao, Xin-hao Zhang, Jun-yuan Zheng, Na-chao Wei, Ping Wang. Application and optimization design of non-obstructive particle damping-phononic crystal vibration isolator in viaduct structure-borne noise reduction. Journal of Central South University, 2024, 31(7): 2513‒2531


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