CsRAXs negatively regulate leaf size and fruiting ability through auxin glycosylation in cucumber

Jiacai Chen, Liu Liu, Guangxin Chen, Shaoyun Wang, Ye Liu, Zeqin Zhang, Hongfei Li, Liming Wang, Zhaoyang Zhou, Jianyu Zhao, Xiaolan Zhang

Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (5) : 1024-1037. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13655
Research Article

CsRAXs negatively regulate leaf size and fruiting ability through auxin glycosylation in cucumber

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Leaves are the main photosynthesis organ that directly determines crop yield and biomass. Dissecting the regulatory mechanism of leaf development is crucial for food security and ecosystem turn-over. Here, we identified the novel function of R2R3-MYB transcription factors CsRAXs in regulating cucumber leaf size and fruiting ability. Csrax5 single mutant exhibited enlarged leaf size and stem diameter, and Csrax1/2/5 triple mutant displayed further enlargement phenotype. Overexpression of CsRAX1 or CsRAX5 gave rise to smaller leaf and thinner stem. The fruiting ability of Csrax1/2/5 plants was significantly enhanced, while that of CsRAX5 overexpression lines was greatly weakened. Similarly, cell number and free auxin level were elevated in mutant plants while decreased in overexpression lines. Biochemical data indicated that CsRAX1/5 directly promoted the expression of auxin glucosyltransferase gene CsUGT74E2. Therefore, our data suggested that CsRAXs function as repressors for leaf size development by promoting auxin glycosylation to decrease free auxin level and cell division in cucumber. Our findings provide new gene targets for cucumber breeding with increased leaf size and crop yield.


auxin glycosylation / CsRAXs / CsUGT74E2 / fruiting ability / leaf size

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Jiacai Chen, Liu Liu, Guangxin Chen, Shaoyun Wang, Ye Liu, Zeqin Zhang, Hongfei Li, Liming Wang, Zhaoyang Zhou, Jianyu Zhao, Xiaolan Zhang. CsRAXs negatively regulate leaf size and fruiting ability through auxin glycosylation in cucumber. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2024, 66(5): 1024‒1037 https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13655


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