Functional genomics of Brassica napus: Progress, challenges, and perspectives
Zengdong Tan, Xu Han, Cheng Dai, Shaoping Lu, Hanzi He, Xuan Yao, Peng Chen, Chao Yang, Lun Zhao, Qing-Yong Yang, Jun Zou, Jing Wen, Dengfeng Hong, Chao Liu, Xianhong Ge, Chuchuan Fan, Bing Yi, Chunyu Zhang, Chaozhi Ma, Kede Liu, Jinxiong Shen, Jinxing Tu, Guangsheng Yang, Tingdong Fu, Liang Guo, Hu Zhao
Functional genomics of Brassica napus: Progress, challenges, and perspectives
Brassica napus, commonly known as rapeseed or canola, is a major oil crop contributing over 13% to the stable supply of edible vegetable oil worldwide. Identification and understanding the gene functions in the B. napus genome is crucial for genomic breeding. A group of genes controlling agronomic traits have been successfully cloned through functional genomics studies in B. napus. In this review, we present an overview of the progress made in the functional genomics of B. napus, including the availability of germplasm resources, omics databases and cloned functional genes. Based on the current progress, we also highlight the main challenges and perspectives in this field. The advances in the functional genomics of B. napus contribute to a better understanding of the genetic basis underlying the complex agronomic traits in B. napus and will expedite the breeding of high quality, high resistance and high yield in B. napus varieties.
accelerate breeding / Brassica napus / functional genomics / high resistance / high yield
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