How plants sense and respond to osmotic stress
Bo Yu, Dai-Yin Chao, Yang Zhao
How plants sense and respond to osmotic stress
Drought is one of the most serious abiotic stresses to land plants. Plants sense and respond to drought stress to survive under water deficiency. Scientists have studied how plants sense drought stress, or osmotic stress caused by drought, ever since Charles Darwin, and gradually obtained clues about osmotic stress sensing and signaling in plants. Osmotic stress is a physical stimulus that triggers many physiological changes at the cellular level, including changes in turgor, cell wall stiffness and integrity, membrane tension, and cell fluid volume, and plants may sense some of these stimuli and trigger downstream responses. In this review, we emphasized water potential and movements in organisms, compared putative signal inputs in cell wall-containing and cell wall-free organisms, prospected how plants sense changes in turgor, membrane tension, and cell fluid volume under osmotic stress according to advances in plants, animals, yeasts, and bacteria, summarized multilevel biochemical and physiological signal outputs, such as plasma membrane nanodomain formation, membrane water permeability, root hydrotropism, root halotropism, Casparian strip and suberin lamellae, and finally proposed a hypothesis that osmotic stress responses are likely to be a cocktail of signaling mediated by multiple osmosensors. We also discussed the core scientific questions, provided perspective about the future directions in this field, and highlighted the importance of robust and smart root systems and efficient source-sink allocations for generating future high-yield stress-resistant crops and plants.
cell volume / drought / membrane tension / osmotic stress / turgor
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