Integrative regulatory mechanisms of stomatal movements under changing climate
Jingbo Zhang, Xuexue Chen, Yajing Song, Zhizhong Gong
Integrative regulatory mechanisms of stomatal movements under changing climate
Global climate change-caused drought stress, high temperatures and other extreme weather profoundly impact plant growth and development, restricting sustainable crop production. To cope with various environmental stimuli, plants can optimize the opening and closing of stomata to balance CO2 uptake for photosynthesis and water loss from leaves. Guard cells perceive and integrate various signals to adjust stomatal pores through turgor pressure regulation. Molecular mechanisms and signaling networks underlying the stomatal movements in response to environmental stresses have been extensively studied and elucidated. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms of stomatal movements mediated by abscisic acid, light, CO2, reactive oxygen species, pathogens, temperature, and other phytohormones. We discussed the significance of elucidating the integrative mechanisms that regulate stomatal movements in helping design smart crops with enhanced water use efficiency and resilience in a climate-changing world.
environmental stress / guard cell / plant / regulatory mechanisms / stomatal movements
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