New indices to balance α-diversity against tree size inequality

Li Zhang1, Brady K. Quinn2, Cang Hui3,4, Meng Lian1, Johan Gielis5, Jie Gao6, Peijian Shi1()

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 31.

Journal of Forestry Research ›› 2023, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 31. DOI: 10.1007/s11676-023-01686-3
Original Paper

New indices to balance α-diversity against tree size inequality

  • Li Zhang1, Brady K. Quinn2, Cang Hui3,4, Meng Lian1, Johan Gielis5, Jie Gao6, Peijian Shi1()
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The number and composition of species in a community can be quantified with α-diversity indices, including species richness (R), Simpson’s index (D), and the Shannon–Wiener index ($H^\prime$). In forest communities, there are large variations in tree size among species and individuals of the same species, which result in differences in ecological processes and ecosystem functions. However, tree size inequality (TSI) has been largely neglected in studies using the available diversity indices. The TSI in the diameter at breast height (DBH) data for each of 999 20 m × 20 m forest census quadrats was quantified using the Gini index (GI), a measure of the inequality of size distribution. The generalized performance equation was used to describe the rotated and right-shifted Lorenz curve of the cumulative proportion of DBH and the cumulative proportion of number of trees per quadrat. We also examined the relationships of α-diversity indices with the GI using correlation tests. The generalized performance equation effectively described the rotated and right-shifted Lorenz curve of DBH distributions, with most root-mean-square errors (990 out of 999 quadrats) being < 0.0030. There were significant positive correlations between each of three α-diversity indices (i.e., R, D, and $H^\prime$) and the GI. Nevertheless, the total abundance of trees in each quadrat did not significantly influence the GI. This means that the TSI increased with increasing species diversity. Thus, two new indices are proposed that can balance α-diversity against the extent of TSI in the community: (1 − GI) ×  D, and $(1 − GI) \times H^\prime$. These new indices were significantly correlated with the original D and $H^\prime$, and did not increase the extent of variation within each group of indices. This study presents a useful tool for quantifying both species diversity and the variation in tree sizes in forest communities, especially in the face of cumulative species loss under global climate change.


Diameter at breast height (DBH) / Gini index / Shannon–Wiener index / Simpson’s index / Quadrat / Tree size

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Li Zhang, Brady K. Quinn, Cang Hui, Meng Lian, Johan Gielis, Jie Gao, Peijian Shi. New indices to balance α-diversity against tree size inequality. Journal of Forestry Research, 2023, 35(1): 31


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