Different from the current reusable launch vehicle landing leg recovery scheme, this paper proposes a rocket vertical landing recovery mechanism based on a ground arresting scheme. In the process of rocket vertical landing and descending, the comprehensive action of ground arresting cable and damper is used to accomplish rocket braking recovery. Through the simulation analysis and the verification of the principle prototype, the ground arresting mechanism complete the arresting and recovering of the launch vehicle under the conditions of normal landing point, horizontal offset and rotation, the overload and impact on the rocket structure are small, and the attitude is controllable. The research shows that the arresting recovery mechanism realizes safe and controllable recovery of the rocket body structure.
HU Zhenxing, ZHANG Xi, SONG Zhengyu, TIAN Jiandong, ZHANG Ling, CHEN Xianping, HUANG Haizhong, WANG Chen
. A Rocket Vertical Landing Recovery Mechanism Based on a Ground Arresting Scheme[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022
, 9(5)
: 477
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210109
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