The farside of the Moon can effectively block the radio interference from the Earth and the Sun,which provides almost the quietest electromagnetic environment within the solar system. Hence,it would be the best place to make astronomical super-long wavelength observation in the space. In this mission,we will realize the basic mission goal of conducting interferometry experiment,and will also try to make important scientific discoveries. Two micro satellites will be manufactured and launched into space by piggybacking on the CHANG’E-4 mission. The two satellites will be detached from the rocket at the start of the earth-moon transfer orbit and conduct orbit transfer autonomously,and make a brake as closing to the moon. Due to limited fuel supply,the orbit is a large ellipse orbit. They are to fly in formation and perform super long wave interferometry at the lunar farside of the orbit. In this paper the work modes of the system is presented,and the data processing and analysis methods are discussed,including the data pre-processing,the interference imaging and global spectrum measurement. The micro-satellite supporting services model and the scientific payload model are also described. The key technology problems are summarized. With this project,the first formation flying microsatellite system in lunar orbit is realized,and the first star-star interferometry astronomical observation is conducted.
ZHANG Jinxiu, CHEN Xuelei, CAO Xibin, AN Junshe
. Formation Flying Around Lunar for Ultra-Long Wave Radio Interferometer Mission[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017
, 4(2)
: 158
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.02.009
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