Transfer Orbit Design for L1 Halo Orbit Based Nanosats

  • 1. Institute of Aerospace Science and Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China;
    2. School of Aerospace,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China

Received date: 25 Nov 2016

Revised date: 20 Dec 2016

Published date: 06 Jun 2022


Nanosats have been demonstrated the capability of deep space exploration with the availability of onboard control systems, such as propulsion, active attitude control, navigation as well as communication, thermal or other subsystems design required for deep space. Nanosats are usually launched as second ary payloads into different orbits. In this paper, aiming at lunar exploration with nanosats, the concepts that nanosats transfer to the moon from the deployments in geosynchronous transfer orbit(GTO) or released by the upper stage were put forward and the heteroclinic connection between L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbit was designed. In the orbit design, both the dynamical system approach and the low thrust model were used to realize low energy cost orbit transfer in order to satisfy the limited condition of propulsion subsystems.

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GAO Yongfei, WANG Zhaokui . Transfer Orbit Design for L1 Halo Orbit Based Nanosats[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017 , 4(1) : 72 -76 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.01.011


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