Top Design and Implementation of the Lunar Rover Mission Planning

  • China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094,China

Received date: 01 Nov 2016

Revised date: 27 Dec 2016

Published date: 06 Jun 2022


The study of the lunar rover mission planning method, is the premise of the mission planning implementation. The research of the top design method of the lunar rover mission planning was carried out based on the mission planning project. The research included the analysis of the characteristic of the mission planning technology; the sorting of mission planning input conditions and constraints, and the unification of planning variables; the design of the mission planning framework; the linkage between the behavioral sequence and the uplink control instruction; the dynamic design of small patterns in which large modes wereused in behavior sequences, etc. The uncertainty of the task, and some constraints to the input information of fuzziness, were introduced through the mission planning project implementation. They need to be addressed in the process of the mission planning framework design and implementation.

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LI Qunzhi, JIA Yang, PENG Song, HAN Lu . Top Design and Implementation of the Lunar Rover Mission Planning[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017 , 4(1) : 58 -65 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.01.009


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