
Current State and Prospects of Lunar Ephemeris in IAA RAS

  • (Institute of Applied Astronomy Russian Academy of Sciences,St

Received date: 20 Jul 2014

Revised date: 01 Aug 2014


More accurate observations and ephemerides to support the space programs are required. Currently, lunar ephemerides of adequate accuracy are being developed and maintained by IAA RAS (Institute of Applied Astronomy Russian Academy of Sciences) under the name EPM-ERA. The accuracy of EPM-ERA ephemeris is still worse a little bit than that of competitive French INPOP and American DE ephemerides. The ways to improve the quality of EPM-ERA ephemeris are presented and discussed. However, EPM-ERA ephemeris is based on only measurements kindly provided by American and French LLR observatories. To overcome this problem the project of Russian LLR station was initiated by several organizations including IAA RAS. The proposed location of this station is Siberia, Altai region that promised visible improvement of existing LLR network geometry. Perspectives of the project, current problems and progress are presented and discussed. The impact on improving ephemeris of the Moon is activity of IAA RAS connected with Russian Luna-Glob and Luna-Resource programs. VLBI network "Quasar" is prepared now to observe space vehicles and lunar landers

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Mikhail Vasilyevich VASILYEV, Eleonora Ivanovna YAGUDINA . Current State and Prospects of Lunar Ephemeris in IAA RAS[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014 , 1(3) : 187 -191 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2014.03.004

