
Characteristic Areas Extraction and Tracking Algonthm in the Process of Asteroid Landing

  • Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China

Received date: 28 Feb 2014

Revised date: 30 Nov 2014


A new algorithm is proposed for the landmark tracking in the process of asteroid soft landing that based on the frame of DIMES. Firstly, a method of luminance equalization is used for highlight the shadow areas and light areas, and convert the image into the binary one to find the connection areas. Secondly, find the high correlation location of the binary areas by template matching. Finally, confirm the characteristic areas by the geometrical relationship of different characteristic areas, and extract the characteristic vectors of the high correlation areas, and analyze the degree of similar between areas and the land mark to find the most similarity location. Two groups of the terrain picture of asteroid are examined in the paper and the result is well.

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WEI Ruoyan, RUAN Xiaogang, PANG Tao, Ouattara SIE, WU Xuan, XIAO Yao . Characteristic Areas Extraction and Tracking Algonthm in the Process of Asteroid Landing[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014 , 1(4) : 308 -314 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2014.04.011


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