In the future manned lunar landing, the solar array output power may be decreased or molfunction when the Mars dust accumulated on the surface of the solar array. In recent years, electric curtain dust removal method is considered an effective means for the Mars dust prevention. In this paper, the performance of triple-junction gallium arsenide solar cell was analysed as Mars dust accumulated on solar cell. From the experimental results, we obtained a trend exponential function between the relative output power and dust deposition mass. Next, the dust removal efficiency of electric curtain under different Mars dust accumulation mass was studied, and the optimum operating point of electric curtain dust removal device was obtained. The research will provide a strong technical support for adaptive dust solar array.
JIA Wei, NI Jiawei, HUANG Sanbo, ZONG Wei, XIAO Jie, WANG Xunchun, CHI Weiying
. Experimental Study on Triple Junction Solar Cells Performance and Dust Removal Efficiency with Mars Dust[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014
, 1(4)
: 303
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2014.04.010
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