
A Path-Planning Method for Mars Rovers based on Grid Map

  • Deep Space Exploration Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China

Received date: 14 Oct 2014

Revised date: 30 Oct 2014


Path-planning is one of the major parts for Mars to complete exploration missions. With running slowly and higher computing complexity, traditional path-planning algorithms, such as A* and D* algorithms, are no longer in using. In this paper, a fast and efficient global path-planning method is got through improving the conretional A* algorithm. Then combining with local obstacle avoiding method, a complete rover path-planning method based on grid map is obtained. Finally, by using simulation provefs this method is effective and available.

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DONG Yuanyuan, CUI Hutao, TIAN Yang . A Path-Planning Method for Mars Rovers based on Grid Map[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014 , 1(4) : 289 -293 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2014.04.007


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