Based on the lunar crust thickness which is inversed from the GRAIL gravity data and LOLA topography data, the lunar tectonic framework can be preliminarily divided into three units: the mare tectonics locates in the region which mainly covers the nearside procellarum, the land tectonics dominately covering the highland in the farside and the south pole aitken basin tectonics. The major geological events including magma processing, volcanism and meteorite impacting have been studied simply, implying that the three kinds of evolution events vary clearly in different tectonic units.
LIU Jianzhong, GUO Dijun, JI Jinzhu, LIU Jingwen, WANG Qinglong
. Lunar Tectonic Framework and Its Evolution Inhomogeneity[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015
, 2(1)
: 75
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.01.011
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