
Dispatchable Processing Method of Resource Constraint in Spacecraft Mission Planning

  • 1. School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
    2. Unit 92493 of PLA, Huludao 125000, China

Received date: 14 Oct 2014

Revised date: 01 Jun 2015

Published date: 20 May 2022


Considering the uncertainty and disturbance of environment in deep space exploration, spacecraft need to use mission planning technology to realize autonomous control. When a spacecraft applies the planning algorithm in aerospace engineering actirities, the time constraints and resource constraints should be considered. By analyzing the relationship between resource constraints, the dispatchable processing method of reusable resources in the execution of planning and the standard to determine whether resource value is dispatchable are proposed. Through the spacecraft simulation example, the dispatchable processing method of reusable resource in planning implementation is demonstrated to be valid.

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CHEN Dexiang, XU Wenming, DU Zhiyuan, XU Rui . Dispatchable Processing Method of Resource Constraint in Spacecraft Mission Planning[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015 , 2(2) : 180 -185 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.02.013


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