
Double Spectrum Camera Designed for Asteroid Detecting

  • Shanghai Institute of Spaceflight Control Technology, Shanghai 200233, China

Received date: 17 Mar 2015

Revised date: 28 May 2015

Published date: 20 May 2022


Based on DSP+FPGA configuration, a small and light-weight double spectrum camera is designed by adopting absolute perspective optics system, uncooled infrared sensor and CMOS sensor. It images both by infrared and visible light, can be used as prototype of optics sensor for asteroid detecting. It also can be used as optics payload of small satellites. This paper sets up the technique index system of double spectrum camera, discusses its components and working principle, expatiates its optics system and electronic design, and introduces the research overview of the prototype.

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WANG Feng, YANG Bo, HU Cunming, WU Hao, FEI Xiaoxing . Double Spectrum Camera Designed for Asteroid Detecting[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015 , 2(2) : 174 -179 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.02.012


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