In order to solve the shaking of sliding mode control based on conventional exponent trending law, a new sliding mode controller based on variable rate trending law is designed. Based on the dynamic model of an asteroid soft landing control system, the structure of sliding mode control based on conventional exponent trending law is deduced. Through analyzing the distance of moving point and sliding mode surface, a fuzzy optimization parameters strategy based on dynamic adjustment switch gain is used, which realizes speeding up the response speed and enhancing the system capacity of overcoming the perturbation and external disturbance when the moving point is far away from the sliding mode surface and eliminating chattering when the moving point is close to the sliding mode surface. The simulation results based on MATLAB show that the sliding mode controller based on variable rate trending law not only guarantees the rapidity of movement, but reduces the shaking of system, thus it has a good stability.
WANG Qianqian, XIE Mujun, LI Yuanchun
. Asteroid Soft Landing Control Method based on Fuzzy Optimization Parameters[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015
, 2(2)
: 162
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.02.010
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