With human space exploration activities increased year by year, observation of space debris is particularly important. The significance of the observation of space debris and conventional method of photoelectric observation are introduced in this paper, and the main difficulties with the observation of space debris are analyzed. On this basis, according to the specific characteristics of the space debris,a new method for detection and identification of space debris is proposed, which is, three base quantity including imaging, spectrum, polarization are used simultaneously for the effective detection with space dark, weak, little pieces through multiple feature fusion recognition technology. Then, decomposition of the key technologies and feasibility analysis are demonstrated.
JIANG Huilin, JIANG Lun, FU Qiang, DONG Keyan
. Discussion of the Polarization Spectral Imaging Observations Technology with Space Debris[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2015
, 2(3)
: 272
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2015.03.014
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