Martian soil is one of the major factors in the Mars surface exploration which have to be considered during the development of Martian probes. The physical and mechanical properties of Martian soil influence directly the design of landing-pad of Martian lander and the wheels of Martian rover. During the field tests of Martian probes, the proving ground for Martian surface environments must be simulated. The exploration results about the Martian soil and its simulant are analyzed in this paper. The ranges of parameters for physical and mechanical properties of Martian soil are summarized. The results can be used for the development of China's Martian probes.
DANG Zhaolong, CHEN Baichao
. Analysis on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Martian Soil[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2016
, 3(2)
: 129
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2016.02.005
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