
Key Problems of Space Environmental Engineering for Manned Deep Space Exploration Mission

  • 1. Beijing Institute of Space Environment Engineering, Beijing 100094
    2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001


Space environments such as solar cosmic ray, galactic cosmic ray, microgravity, dust and dust storm, deep space microbe and so on, which will be encountered during the course of manned deep space exploration, are firstly introduced. Then, the threat of different deep space environments to the astronauts is discussed, and some countermeasures such as physical protection, monitoring and early warning of radiation risks, radiation protection drugs, astronaut selection, etc, is given. Finally, the further work should be done for manned deep space mission, which includes damage mechanism of space radiation on the astronaut, development of drug against space radiation and microgravity, protection of structure and material from space radiation environments, self cleaning materials and technology for space suit, research and development of materials against microbial erosion, etc, are discussed.

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SHEN Zicai, DAI Wei, BAI Yu, LIU Rongqiang, DING Yigang, LIU Yenan . Key Problems of Space Environmental Engineering for Manned Deep Space Exploration Mission[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2016 , 3(2) : 99 -107 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2016.02.001


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