In order to ensure security and reliability of the radioisotope heat source for deep space exploration,the research on the environment testing technology of the radioisotope heat source is conducted. The test items are concluded by analyzing the mission profile during the whole life of the radioisotope heat source for deep space exploration. The high temperature-centrifuge,high temperature-impact,high temperature-vibration compound environment testing technologies are studied,and the technologies of ground simulation test for launch site fire accident,aerodynamic heating and thermal shock is also discussed in detail. The capacity of the environment reliability test and abnormal condition security test for the radioisotope heat source has been set up. Then,the environment test is performed which can provide support for the research of radioisotope heat source for deep space exploration.
HU Yupeng, LU Liang, XIANG Yanhua, LI Sizhong, HU Wenjun, HU Shaoquan
. Environment Testing Technology of Radioisotope Heat Source for Deep Space Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017
, 4(2)
: 138
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.02.006
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