Combining the celestial angle measurement with the velocity measurement, the deep space integrated navigation system is derived to determine the position and velocity information of deep space probe. The integrated navigation system has the advantages of continuous, autonomous, real-time and high precision measurement. In the multi-sources information fusion process of the integrated navigation system, an unified time standard of multi-sensor data is required. The basic principle of celestial angle and velocity measurement integrated navigation system is clarified. However, there are many factors will cause time asynchrony in the actual system, such as time standard error, sampling period inconsistent, data transmission delay of angle measurement sensors and velocity measurement sensors, which have great influence on the position and the velocity of measurement information. The mechanism of time error in position and velocity estimation of deep space integrated navigation system is analyzed. The time registration method based on interpolation and extrapolation methods is studied, achieving the measurement information synchronization between the angle measurement sensor and the velocity measurement sensor. The simulation results show that the interpolation and extrapolation time registration algorithm can effectively suppress the time error, improve the accuracy of the deep space integrated navigation system.
. Study on Deep Space Time Registration Method of Integrated Navigation System Based on Celestial Angle and Velocity Mesurement[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017
, 4(4)
: 373
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.04.010
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