An integrated design method for manned lunar mission trajectory and trans-lunar window is proposed for the manned lunar mission supported by low lunar orbit (low lunar orbit, LLO) coplanar encounter. Firstly, the basic processes and engineering constraints of the manned lunar mission supported by LLO rendezvous are analyzed. Secondly, in view of the problem of computing windows and trajectories for the tasks in different stages, a window planning strategy by iterating the power down time is proposed. Thirdly, an orbit planning model including the LLO established in the high precision model, as well as the manned and cargo trajectories established in double two-body model, is constructed. Finally, the reliability and effectiveness of the approach proposed in this paper are demonstrated by the simulation tests on the crater named after a Chinese scientists.The researching findings are useful for manned lunar orbit and window design.
HE Boyong, CAO Pengfei, LUO Yazhong, LI Haiyang
. Study on Mission Planning and Window Design for Manned Lunar Far-Side Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017
, 4(5)
: 471
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.05.008
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