Review of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Technology Development

  • China Institute of Atomic Energy, Department of Reactor Engineering Technology, Beijing 102413,China

Received date: 29 Jun 2017

Revised date: 05 Sep 2017


NTP(Nuclear Thermal Propulsion)has special features of high specific impulse,powerful force and long operating time. NTP could be used for manned deep space exploration and large-scale cargo shipment between stars. The NTP research history and technology development in America and Russia are introduced in this paper. The trends of NTP development are summarized,namely medium thrust engine,modularized reactor core,high performance fuel element,non-nuclear experiment method and multiple function design. The key technologies of reactor design,nuclear safety protection design,fuel preparation,fuel element manufacture,exhaust handling,and engine startup,are analyzed. At last,some suggestions for NTP development in China are given,including cooperation between nuclear and aerospace industries,drawing lessons from American and Russian experiences and initiating research work as soon as possible.

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XIE Jiachun, HUO Honglei, SU Zhuting, ZHAO Zehao . Review of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Technology Development[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017 , 4(5) : 417 -429 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.05.003


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