In order to further improve attitude precision of star sensors, the influence of star spatial geometric distribution to attitude precision is analyzed and a method of establishing a navigation star database based on star distribution is proposed. On the basis of analyzing the current star database, Hipparcos is selected as the basic star database, while, dark-star and double-star are deleted in the star database, and then star spatial geometric distribution in every FOV (Field of View) is analyzed and compared while traversing all-sky, three stars which determine the worst attitude precision are deleted. Finally, Traversing compensationof star database is executed to ensure the uniformity of star distribution. The experimental results show that all-sky recognition rate is 100% by using the star database made by the proposed method in all celestial orbit tests, and the areas with more than 10 stars distribution r account for 97.64%. The porposed method is of good coverage, and can effectively improve the attitude accuracy.
YE Zhilong, SUN Shuodong, CHEN Shu, WU Di, WU Bin
. Establishment of a Navigation Star Database Based on Star Distribution[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(1)
: 90
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.01.013
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