A method of phase-stabilized transfer of RF signal over optical fiber is proposed in order to meet the urgent needs of high stability RF signals in uplink arrays. Phase jitter of signal transfer over optical fiber is detected and compensated by transmitting a tone signal bidirectionally in the closed loop transmission system based on optical delay line. The principal and methods of the experiment are explained in detail and an experimental system is designed. Preliminary results show that the phase jitter of the RF signal after transmission is within 1° when a temperature change of 40 ℃ occurs over an 1 km optical fiber. The phase jitter of the optical fiber transmission system can be compensated effectively which satisfies the needs of high stability RF signals in uplink arrays.
LIU Youyong, MA Wenqi, CHEN Shaoqing, LI Jing
. Experimental Research of Phase-Stabilized Transfer of RF Signal over Optical Fiber[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(2)
: 182
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.02.011
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