Based on the needs of development to deep space exploration and other space measure and control communication,a X-band continuous wave(CW)high power amplifier(HPA)based on the klystron scheme is presented,in which the high efficient low ripple modularized switch power,centralized liquid cooling equipment, high power filters and high speed reliable control measures are adopted,and the function of CW high power output in X-band deep space exploration is realized. The test results show that the CW output power can reach 50 kW(even up to 60 kW),the second,third and fourth harmonics are good and the cooling effect is ideal in the required bands. In addition,it shows that after long-time working the specifications of the equipment and working state are very steady and reliable which will provide supports for the further development of deep space exploration.
LI Xinsheng, LIU Haixu, HAN Laihui, HOU Manhong, WEN Chaoju
. A design of 50 kW X-Band High Power Amplifer[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(2)
: 175
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.02.010
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