A Deep Space Exploration Carrier Capture Algorithm with Low SNR

  • Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201821, China


Aimed at the extremely low Signal-Noise-Ratio(SNR)of the carrier signal received by receiving end in the deep space monitoring and control communication system,a two-dimensional time division multiplexing fast Fourier transform(FFT)carrier acquisition method is proposed. The carrier capture can be achieved effectively at low SNR while reducing resource consumption. Simulation results show that this method can be used to achieve fast acquisition of a carrier signal with carrier frequency offset up to 100 kHz and carrier frequency change rate up to 100 Hz/s under the carrier-noise-ratio(CNR)of 17 dBHz. It is a capture method that takes both performance and engineering into account.

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DU Jianlai, FANG Kun, LIU Gang, LI Qi . A Deep Space Exploration Carrier Capture Algorithm with Low SNR[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018 , 5(2) : 162 -167 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.02.008


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