The current development of integrated technique of laser ranging and communication is introduced. A new integrated technique of high precision laser ranging and high speed communication is presented based on dual one-way ranging(DOWR)and BPSK modulation heterodyne coherent detection. A symbol phase ranging method is applied to achieve the integrated system design,and the ground experiments are developed. The results show that the data rate of laser link reaches 1 Gbit/s and the ranging precision is better than 0.9 mm. The influence of reference clock frequency difference on ranging precision is analyzed. Finally,future applications of the integrated laser ranging and communication system in deep space exploration are expected.
LIU Xiangnan, LI Yingfei, XIANG Chengyong, CHEN Ming, LI Xiaoliang
. Study on Integrated Technique of Laser Ranging and Communication and Its Applications in Deep Space[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(2)
: 147
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.02.006
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