Ground Experimental Pressure Control Investigation of Thermodynamic Vent System

  • China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,Beijing 100076,China

Received date: 30 Nov 2017

Revised date: 25 Feb 2018


Cryogenic propellants are considered to be the most economic and efficient chemical propellant for the space entering and orbit transfer,due to its high specific impulse and non-pollution. And they are also the first choice of propellant for future human lunar exploration,Mars exploration,and deeper space exploration. Thermodynamic vent system(TVS)is the key technology for long-term on-orbit storage of cryogenic fuel. In present study,one ground experiment is established to investigate the pressure control performance of TVS. The simulant fluid HCFC123 is selected to be the experiment fluid and to verify the efficient of TVS in the ground. The tank pressure variation and fluid temperature change are respectively studied during the tank self-pressurization,the injection mixing depressurization and active refrigeration process. The refrigeration capacity supplied by the TVS heat exchanger and the thermal stratification during different phases are specially illustrated. The present experiment proves the effectiveness of the pressure control performance by means of TVS. When compared to the direct venting method,TVS has recovered more than 41% venting loss,which could provide references for the development of cryogenic propellant thermodynamic vent system.

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LIU Xin, ZHANG Xiaoyu . Ground Experimental Pressure Control Investigation of Thermodynamic Vent System[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018 , 5(3) : 292 -298 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.3.013


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