The ordinary CSP algorithms cannot reflect the characteristics of the task planning progress. How the action rules in task planning for deep space exploration can be mapped into the constraint satisfaction problems is discussed. Based on the conclusion,an action directed constraint is proposed to guide the variable selection procedure in constraint satisfaction problems. Through theoretical analysis,the proposed technology can be used in constraint-programmed planning problem. The simulation experiments show that the algorithm with action guided constraint can effectively reduce the number of constraint checks during the planning procedure and has a better performance on total running time over the standard version. It lays the foundation for the application of the project.
JIANG Xiao, XU Rui, ZHU Shengying
. Research on Task Planning Problems for Deep Space Exploration Based on Constraint Satisfaction[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(3)
: 262
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.3.008
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