Small celestial bodies are important carriers for humans to understand the origin and evolution of the Solar system,and they are also rich in precious metals and rare elements. Sampling exploration of small celestial bodies has a vital value for scientific development. The environment which has influence on sampling missions is concluded through the reserch of the surface characteristics of small celestial bodies and the existing sampling technology. The technology requirements of small celestial body samplers are summarized.
LIU Deyun, LAI Xiaoming, WANG Lusi, LIU Xiaoqing, ZHAO Zeng, ZHANG Jiabo, QUAN Qiquan
. Summary of Sampling Technology for Small Celestial Bodies[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(3)
: 246
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.3.007
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