Propulsion technology is an important factor restricting the deep space exploration capability. With the characteristics of the spacecraft for deep space exploration and the different project requirements, the requirements forthe propulsion concept are also diversity. The specifications, such as the thrust, specific impulse, power, and weight should be balanced. The present state and perspectives of the several types of propulsion technologies for deep space exploration project are introduced, such as hybrid model propulsion technology, solar energy electric propulsion technology, space nuclear electric propulsion technology (NEP), and sail propulsion technology, providing reference for the development of the deep space propulsion technology in China.
LI Yong, DING Fenglin, ZHOU Cheng
. Development of Deep Space Propulsion Technology[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018
, 5(4)
: 323
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.04.002
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