Topic:Planetary Protection and Microbial Control

Formation and Maintenance Mechanism of Species Diversity in the Course of Microbial Succession Under Low Dose Ionizing Radiation

  • Institute of Environmental Biology and Life Support Technology,School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,China

Received date: 13 Dec 2018

Revised date: 10 Jan 2019


It remains a mystery why the highly complicated species diversity is formed and sustained in microbial community in low-dose ionizing radiation (LDIR). Based on prophase investigation and experimental observation,in the research,a hypothesis is first proposed in this research that different levels of delay effect on population growth resulting from exposure to LDIR can greatly mitigate competitive exclusion,inducing and sustaining the species diversity in microbial community. The kinetic model of microbial community succession in the environment of LDIR was obtained by introduction of delay effect into classic Lotka-Volterra competition model,and then a great deal of digital simulations were carried out to elucidate the generation and maintenance mechanisms of species diversity induced by LDIR. The results provide a theoretical basis for understanding the dynamic mechanism of microbial community succession in LDIR environments.

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XU Xinming, HU Dawei, FU Yuming, ZHANG Jinhui, LIU Hong . Formation and Maintenance Mechanism of Species Diversity in the Course of Microbial Succession Under Low Dose Ionizing Radiation[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(1) : 31 -36 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.01.005


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