Topic:Planetary Protection and Microbial Control

Planetary Protection for Manned Mars Exploration

  • 1. Shenzhou Space Biology Science and Technology Coorporation,Ltd.,Beijing 100190,China;
    2. Space Biology Research and Technology Center,Beijing 100190,China;
    3. Space Biology R & D Center of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Ltd.,Beijing 100190,China;
    4. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100086,China

Received date: 13 Nov 2018

Revised date: 13 Dec 2018


Planetary protection is one of the key problems which will greatly affect the future human missions to Mars. Planetary protection has three major goals:1)The protection of extraterrestrial planet from terrestrial life contamination (forward contamination prevention);2) The protection of Earth from extraterrestrial life (back contamination prevention);3) The protection of the health and safety of astronauts. The international aerospace community has begun to formulate policies and conduct technical discussions on planetary protection for human Mars missions. In this review,the definition and legal base of planetary protection are introduced,and the planetary protection implementation of NASA Apollo program is reviewed,and the major contaminants,contamination pathway,and contamination control strategy for future human Mars missions are discussed.

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XU Kanyan, MA Lingling, YIN Hong, ZHANG Qin, ZOU Leyang . Planetary Protection for Manned Mars Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(1) : 23 -30 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.01.004


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