Topic:Orbit Determination and Control Technology for Deep Space Exploration

Flight Formation Control in Lunar Highly Elliptical Orbit Based on Rendezvous Mode

  • 1. Beijing Aerospace Control Center, Beijing 100094, China;
    2. Aerospace Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Beijing 100094, China

Received date: 28 Dec 2018

Revised date: 06 Mar 2019


After entering lunar highly elliptical orbit, two microsatellites conduct several orbit maneuvers and finally implement flight formation with the relative range from thousands of kilometers to within 10 kilometers with the support of ground monitoring and control. For the highly elliptical orbit around the moon, the orbit control strategy of formation flight at the rendezvous endpoint is designed based on the multi-impulse rendezvous mode. The linear guidance method is used to iteratively calculate the precise orbit control parameters. A sequential optimized five-impulse orbit maneuvers strategy is designed. Through the progressive segmentation controls of long distance approach,medium distance adjustment and close range capture,the relative status of the orbit planes,arch lines,shapes and phases of the two orbits are corrected. Under the condition of the lunar highly elliptical orbit,the close distance formation of the two microsatellites is achieved with the relative motion trajectory being gradually stable.

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LI Gefei, SHENG Qingxuan, LIU Yong . Flight Formation Control in Lunar Highly Elliptical Orbit Based on Rendezvous Mode[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(3) : 261 -268 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.03.010


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