Topic: Autonomous Control for Spacecraft

Research of Autonomous Control Technology for Deep Space Probes

  • 1. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100094, China;
    2. Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, China

Received date: 13 Jun 2019

Revised date: 12 Jul 2019


Deep space exploration is the first step in human investigation,exploration and settlement of other celestial bodies outside the Earth,and autonomous control technology of deep space probes is one of the key technologies to guarantee the success of deep space exploration mission. The research status of autonomous control technology of deep space probe is summarized from four aspects,including autonomous navigation,autonomous guidance and control,autonomous mission planning,autonomous fault diagnosis and reconfiguration. Moreover,the existing problems of autonomous control technology for deep space probes are analyzed. Finally,the prospects of the technologies are predicated according to the demands for deep space exploration technology development and task implementation.

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WANG Dayi, FU Fangzhou, MENG Linzhi, LI Wenbo, LI Maodeng, XU Chao, GE Dongming . Research of Autonomous Control Technology for Deep Space Probes[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(4) : 317 -327 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.04.002


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