The needs for samll body intelligent planning are analuzed due to the significant communication delay and low efficiency of mission execution. The intelligent planning of autonomous flight aroundfor small body exploration mission is studied. Firstly, the problem is decomposed into two parts:platform task intelligent planning and payload task intelligent planning. A knowledge model of detector autonomous management is designed based on PDDL language, and a solution algorithm of specific state time line extension is proposed. The mathematical model of intelligent planning based on CSP is established, and the solving algorithm based on genetic strategy is proposed. Finally, a simulation system is developed to verify the algorithm. The simulation results show that the method can integrate the platform and payload requirements, making unified mission planning under the constraints of storage, energy, communication and other constraints, and obtaining command sequence and action sequence. It can improve the intelligence of task management and control, and reduce the complexity of task operation.
ZHU Liying, YE Zhiling, LI Yuqing, FU Zhongliang, XU Yong
. Modeling of Autonomous Flight Mission Intelligent Planning for Small Body Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019
, 6(5)
: 463
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.05.007
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