
China Lunar Exploration Program

  • 1. Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center, Beijing 100190, China;
    2. China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Beijing 100048, China

Received date: 06 Aug 2019

Revised date: 25 Aug 2019


The Chang'E-4 probe was successfully soft landed on the far side of the moon for the first time as a human spacecraft on January 3, 2019, while the lunar rover named as "Yutu-2" leaving Chinese footprints on the Moon. So far, 125 lunar exploration activities have been carried out in the world, during which there are two important periods. During the period from 1950s to 1970s, the first round of lunar exploration culminated with the purposes of the race between the two space powers the U. S. and the former Soviet Union. After that, from the end of last century to now, many countries realize the strategic significance of the Lunar exploration, proposing their new lunar exploration plans, which culminated the second round of lunar exploration. Starting from the Chang'E-1 orbiter project in 2004, China has implemented five successful lunar missions, include Chang'E-1, 2, 3, 4, and Lunar Sample Return flight test. All five missions are successful, and great achievements have been made in space technology, space science and application, personal training, and international cooperation. China will continue lunar exploration activities mainly with unmanned Lunar Scientific Research Station.

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WU Weiren, LIU Jizhong, TANG Yuhua, YU Dengyun, YU Guobin, ZHANG Zhe . China Lunar Exploration Program[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(5) : 405 -416 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.05.001


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