Topic: High Speed Laser Information Transmission Technology of Deep Space

Research on EDFA Wavelength Division Multiplexing Performance under Deep Space Radiation

  • 1. School of Aerospace, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
    2. HIT Satellite Laser Communication Co. Ltd., Harbin 150028, China

Received date: 06 Aug 2019

Revised date: 14 Oct 2019


With the increasing demand for data capacity of deep space laser communication systems,the wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) technology will become an effective method to expand communication capacity. It is necessary to study the performance variation of EDFA WDM characteristics under deep space radiation conditions. The effects of deep space radiation and temperature field on the performance of EDFA,non-uniform characteristics are analyzed,and the gain influence model between EDFA WDM signals under deep space radiation conditions are established,and the evaluation method of the influence of nonuniform variation of gain is given. Deep space radiation environment was simulated, and the electron irradiation and neutron irradiation were used as radiation sources to simulate the effects of radiation ionization and radiation displacement,respectively. The correctness of the model is verified by experimental results. Using this model,the non-uniform characteristics of the gain of each wavelength of EDFA in WDM application under different types of radiation and different temperatures in deep-space radiation environment can be obtained,providing reference for WDM application of EDFA in deep space laser communication.

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LIU Qingfeng, LI Bo, KANG Dongpeng, YANG Qingbo, MA Jing, TAN Liying, YU Siyuan, ZHAO Sheng, WANG Qi . Research on EDFA Wavelength Division Multiplexing Performance under Deep Space Radiation[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019 , 6(6) : 545 -552 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.06.005


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