According to the three-body motion of the Earth,the Moon and the lunar satellite,the occlusion problem of the Moon-Earth link and the link mode are analyzed. The simulation results show that when three MPO satellites are used for communication,the number of link interruptions will be greatly reduced,but in some certain periods,the communication link is still interrupted by the occlusion of the moon frequently. When using four MPO satellites for communication,the link will no longer be blocked by the Moon,but only blocked by the Earth. By the same token,increasing the number of geosynchronous orbiting satellites can avoid occlusion of the Earth. The simulation results show that the link is established by two GEO satellites, and the link will not be blocked by the Earth. An information relay center for deep space science research is established. The laser communication technology is used to achieve high-speed laser information transmission between the Moon and the Earth,providing support for the development of deep space exploration technology in China.
WANG Qi, MA Jing, TAN Liying, YU Siyuan, ZHOU Yuandong
. Analysis of Link Characteristics of High-Speed Laser Communication System in Lunar-Ground Link[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019
, 6(6)
: 537
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.06.004
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