Topic:Mars Patrol Exploration Technology

Study and Verification on Deployment Strategy of Transfer Ramps for Mars Rover

  • Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094,China

Received date: 20 Feb 2020

Revised date: 30 May 2020


In view of a limited kind of drawout-expanded ramps,and in order to realize two transfer channels for Mars rover,considering all kinds of faults that could be occurred in orbit,and without changing the original mechanism,a two-way optional autonomous deployment strategy is carried out in this paper,. The whole process of the strategy is verified one by one in the joint test of transfer ramps and data management software,all telemetry parameters are normal,the system sequence is executed correct,the results show that the autonomous deployment strategy of transfer ramps is effective and reliable,which provides a strong guarantee for the successful transfer of Mars rover to the surface.

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YAN Qingqing, LIU Wei, MAN Jianfeng, ZHU Ma, ZHOU Dong, LIU Xue . Study and Verification on Deployment Strategy of Transfer Ramps for Mars Rover[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2020 , 7(5) : 445 -449 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2020.20200041


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