According to the requirements and characteristics of simulation and verification for celestial surface remote operating, a simulating and testing system is build for remote operation of planetary rover. The system is composed of the 3D terrain environment, a simulating planetary rover, a terrain scanning system and a remote operating testing software. The simulated deformable 3D terrain is made of large man-made sand. A simulated planetary vehicle is installed with sensing cameras, movable mechanisms]. A method of terrain survey, rover position and gesture measurement based on laser scanning is proposed. A simulation and verification system for celestial surface exploration teleoperation based on simulation scene and planetary rover is established. The system is used in the simulation and verification of the key operational processes of Mars surface exploration, such as perception and planning, and provides strong support for the practical implementation of celestial surface remote operation.
LI Lichun, LI Jian, WANG Jia, YU Tianyi, LIU Chuankai, LI Nan, WAN Wenhui
. Design and Construction of a Simulating and Testing System for the Remote Operation of Planetary Surface Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022
, 9(1)
: 72
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210133
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