Flying on the mission orbit at the Earth-Moon L2, the Chang'e-4 relay sattellite carried out the experiment of regenerative pseudo-random code ranging, during which the regenerative pseudo-random code ranging and the sidetones ranging were both utilized. The regenerative pseudo-random code ranging data and the side tone ranging data of the Chang’E 4 relay satellite, which are flying on the mission orbit at the Earth-Moon L2 libration point, are used to evaluate their orbit determination accuracies. The results show that the RMS of the regenerative pseudo-random code ranging data is one order of magnitude better than that of the sidetones ranging data, and the orbit determination and prediction accuracy of the regenerative pseudo random code ranging data is twice as good as that of the side tone ranging data. This is a reliable reference for the application of regenerative pseudo-random code ranging in the future Chinese deep space exploration missions.
NIU Dongwen, DUAN Jianfeng, OUYANG Qi, ZHANG Yu, CHEN Lue, WANG Mei
. Regenerative Pseudo-Random Code Ranging Orbit Determination Accuracy Analysis for Chang’E-4 Relay Satellite[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022
, 9(1)
: 21
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20191213002
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