Based on the technical challenges of teleoperation tasks in China,a general task intelligent planning method with hierarchical plan object model(HPOM)is proposed,which decomposes the task of rover into four levels: multi option operation,constrained behavior,multi branch instruction sequence and parameterized virtual instruction. The plan represented by constrained behavior is transformed into a behavior planning problem,and a set of solving methods is obtained to solve the practical problems such as difficult selection of multi branch operation and complex setting of event attributes under complex constraints. A process flow of human-in-the-loop(HITL)is proposed to verify the consistency of different planning granularity schemes and generate instruction sequence. This method has been successfully applied to Chang'E-4 mission,providing technical support for the success of the mission.
GAO Yuhui, SHI Ming, CAI Dunbo, ZHANG Gong
. Research of a General Teleoperation Task Intelligent Planning Method[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(2)
: 140
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200071
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