Topic:Autonomous Planning Technology for Deep Space Exploration

Research of a General Teleoperation Task Intelligent Planning Method

  • 1. Key Laboratory of National Defense on Aerospace Flight Dynamics Technology,Beijing 100094,China;
    2. Beijing Aerospace Control Center,Beijing 100094,China;
    3. China Shift(Suzhou)Software Technology Co.,Ltd,Suzhou 215000,China

Received date: 28 Oct 2020

Revised date: 13 Jan 2021

Published date: 20 Apr 2021


Based on the technical challenges of teleoperation tasks in China,a general task intelligent planning method with hierarchical plan object model(HPOM)is proposed,which decomposes the task of rover into four levels: multi option operation,constrained behavior,multi branch instruction sequence and parameterized virtual instruction. The plan represented by constrained behavior is transformed into a behavior planning problem,and a set of solving methods is obtained to solve the practical problems such as difficult selection of multi branch operation and complex setting of event attributes under complex constraints. A process flow of human-in-the-loop(HITL)is proposed to verify the consistency of different planning granularity schemes and generate instruction sequence. This method has been successfully applied to Chang'E-4 mission,providing technical support for the success of the mission.

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GAO Yuhui, SHI Ming, CAI Dunbo, ZHANG Gong . Research of a General Teleoperation Task Intelligent Planning Method[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021 , 8(2) : 140 -146 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200071


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