The detection of the solar system boundary has gradually attracted people's attention. To explore the solar system boundary,we need to find an efficient propulsion system and design a reasonable trajectory to escape from the solar system. Therefore,this paper proposes to use the Bezier shape-based method to quickly generate the three-dimensional trajectory of the electric sail escaping from the solar system,which provides an appropriate initial solution for a more accurate trajectory optimization algorithm. By taking the results obtained by the Bezier shape-based method as the initial solution of Gauss pseudospectral method(GPM),the applicability of the results obtained by the Bezier shape-based method to the initial solution of the direct solver is evaluated. The simulation results show that the Bezier shape-based method can design a reasonable three-dimensional initial trajectory of the electric sail escaping from the solar system for the direct optimization solver in a short time. This is of great significance for the rapid evaluation of a large number of electric sail flight scenarios in the preliminary mission design stage.
FAN Zichen, HUO Mingying, REN Hui, QI Naiming
. Initial Trajectory Design of the Electric Sail Escaping from Solar System Based on the Bezier Curve Method[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(6)
: 625
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200088
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